Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Shkoder

‘TEUTA – Towards European Union with better Urban Transport'

To adapt the EU Legislation on air quality directive at Albanian Legislation


IIn order to control the emissions from road traffic, the main source of air pollution in most urban areas, EU has developed the ‘Sustainable Urban Mobility System’, which is a plan of urban transport management integrated with the general Local Development Plan. As the transition in Albania brought rapid socio-economic changes, the legislation still lacks thorough planning of transportation, and there is a lack of effective policies and management plans in urban areas which are strongly related to life quality and improvement of air quality specifically.

Funded by:
European Union
Coordinated by:
REC Albania
15th April 2016 - 15th April 2017


Creation local policy about the issue of urban mobility management, which will directly improve life of citizens and indirectly air quality.


  • Compiling Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan attached by the Local Regulation on SUM that will be involved from General Local Plan for Albanian urban areas influencing life quality;
  • Raise awareness for issues related to air quality and urban mobility.


  1. Collection of actual data in 1 pilot city (Shkoder) 
  2. Survey and interviews
  3. Four workshops with community and stakeholders of the new Shkoder Municipality
  4. Public hearing at the FAU students on SUMP
  5. Workshops with university students concerning planning for Shkoder
  6. Professional trainings concerning SUMP
  7. Publishing the manual PRESTO about Cycling Infrastructure
  8. Local campaigns and European Mobility Week
  9. Compiling a Local Regulation for Plan of Sustainable Urban Mobility in Shkoder.

Expected Results:

  1. Capacity building;
  2. Urban Mobility Plan and Local regulation for one pilot city;


Urban Mobility Plan compiled for Shkoder will be part of the process of approval as additional and detailed plan of General Local Plan. The recommendations set in the policy paper will serve as basis for concrete projects from mayors across Albania to improve our air quality through urban mobility. Trained personnel and other stakeholders in our training will serve as a bridge between the project team and the decision makers to work together in the future for the implementation of the recommendations. Data collected during the project will be used for further projects and daily work of municipalities selected in this project.

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