New National Park, new challenges for the Environmental Actors in Kelmend

July 2022 - October 2023
Implemented by:
GO2, Institute for Rural Development

The Albanian Alps proclaimed National Park on Jan2022, and Kelmend is included – giving the area a high status and an extraordinary opportunity for the preservation of biodiversity, but at the same time presents great challenges for the management of this unique Protected Area from RAPA Shkoder and for the visitors, but especially for the local community. In fact, tourism in this cross- border area started with a traditional fest Logu i Bjeshkëve and increased with the improvement of infrastructure almost a decade ago (national road SH20 that connects it with Montenegro), the opening of 2 mountain costumers’ points with Montenegro. The challenges to manage the National Park (the highest status of Protected Areas) and to protect the nature values in such sensible area which was not before, is not easy at all – it requires management capacities and awareness of the local community and not only, financial investments, know-how etc. Therefore, GO2_NGO, IRR_NGO in collaboration with RAPA Shkoder, through the PONT project decide to contribute in 3 main directions:

  • Strengthening institutional building and management capacities of beneficiary (GO2 and IRR);
  • Facilitation of information sharing between Environmental Actors regarding PA in Albanian Alps at site and transboundary /international collaboration;
  • Preservation of nature resources in NPs through involvement of local entrepreneurships.

Fulfilling these approaches will bring better knowledge and more action in conservation/protection of nature values from Environmental Actors in PA Albanian Alps, as they will be able to make comparison approach with other models, like Montenegro case study and Italy (Italian Alps). It will strength the transboundary/international cooperation, as well the awareness of local entrepreneurships, and other stakeholders/visitors on conservation values of PA- Albanian Alps.