Right to the City II

Heinrich Böll Stiftung
November, 2020
Workshop, Forum
Public Space, Resilience


Right to the City at a time of Covid19 pandemic

Right to the City2 Albania will tackle the Resilient City topic, aiming to increase awareness about how the cities functions in the time of crisis. Albania was under stress from 1st crisis the emigration, the 2nd shock crisis the earthquake, and the 3rd international shock was COVID19. All those following pressures caused a huge challenge for the economy and the whole ecosystem.

In this time, many human rights are refused meanwhile – people don’t react as they don’t know their rights to the city or they feel unable to react. They could learn from similar experiences in the Balkans cities, therefore forum Right 2 the City could bring a good model.

Right to the City II Albania aims to indicate how public space affect the city resilience opposite the pandemic shock. It also aims to raise aware about resilient city in order to face the crisis – how to absorb, recover and prepare for future shocks.

There are three main issues to be introduced by key-speakers:

  • Accessibility in public space in those pandemic times
  • Information about their rights to the public space
  • Public space as a driver of retail/familiar economies growth in the city
  • architects

Previous editions

Right to the City Albania started in 2017 with a cycle of 8 debates about the City and the Communities ne Balkan Countries. These open forums were held by 8 guest speakers, as urban planner, architect, writer, politicians, sociologist, artist and activist from: Kotor, Tirana, Mitrovica Belgrade, Prishtina, Prizren, Shkoder and Skopje.

The forums aimed to present the dynamics of cities through integrated planning policies and instruments that manage urban growth and economic development.

About Right to The City

Right to the City is an movement inspired by the book “Le Droit à la Ville” of French author Henri Lefebvre in 1968 and elaborated by the other authors across the world, such as David Harvey. From its beginnings as a struggle for social justice and dignified access to urban life, the Right to the City concept is advanced toward individual liberty to access urban resources and the right of people to change their selves by changing the city.

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